

Welcome to my corner of the internet! Here, you'll find tips on how to coach yourself, with bits of our adoption story, homemade wellness goods and doodles sprinkled throughout. 

A Closer Look at Brooke

A Closer Look at Brooke

Tim Ferriss fans, James Clear fans, meet your next greatest guru. She’s hiding behind an image that gushes self-help, “live, laugh, love” fluff, but I’m telling you, this woman is a powerhouse that will change your life if you let her. 

Brooke created what she calls the self coaching “model,” which does just that - allows you to coach yourself on a daily basis so you can open your mind up to different perspectives and possibilities. The more you use the model, the better you get at interpreting your own thinking, and the more useful the model becomes. Below is a quick summary, and I’ve created a more comprehensive explanation of Brooke’s model HERE

There are five elements that shape our experience of the world, and we have control over four out of the five listed below:

  1. Circumstances

  2. Thoughts

  3. Feelings

  4. Actions

  5. Results

Brooke is helping hundreds of thousands of people with money, relationships, health, careers, productivity, self awareness and more. She’s written several books, created the “Netflix” of coaching programs and now spends her time teaching coaches how to coach at her growing, multimillion-dollar school called The Life Coach School

The Podcast

Lucky for us, Brooke puts out a weekly podcast, The Life Coach School, that is chock full of tools, techniques and different (helpful) ways of thinking about the world. You may want to hide your screen while listening due to her effusive branding, but this podcast has strengthened me in more ways than I can count. Most notably, it’s helped me:

  • Stop drinking alcohol (After nearly 20 years of relatively heavy drinking)

  • Calm and shift work-related stress

  • Be decisive when making difficult, life-altering decisions

  • Use my brain for planning and strategizing rather than impulsive and indulging actions

  • Dream big – Dreams that I never would have had the audacity to dwell on, let alone write down and take steps toward. 

Brooke’s work, at its deepest level, teaches people how to evolve, how to be uncomfortable and how to cultivate grit. And the incredible thing is, her method of teaching applies to every human, no matter where they are in their life. Whether they’re trying to lose weight, start a multi-million dollar business, or mend a relationship with their brother, her concepts are so basic at their core, they apply to any human. 

Going Deep

Brooke’s tools and content are reshaping the coaching world - a world that has yet to reach its peak. With our quickly-evolving, tech-heavy, option-abundant environment, it’s not just CEO’s that are hiring coaches. Coaching is proving to be beneficial to blue-collar workers, stay-at-home-moms and business owners alike. Brooke’s work dives deeper than recommendations and strategies. She gets underneath that and helps us understand why we’re behaving the way we are, and how to change it.

Top 10 Taste Test

Below is a top ten list of her podcasts. I’ve only listened to about half of her nearly 300 episodes, so there are most certainly gems that didn’t make my list. 

These are listed in the order she put them out, but feel free to start anywhere on the list. As long as you understand her MODEL, you can jump right in. 

Get good at using her model, see through your thoughts holding you back, and in Brooke’s words, “You’ll blow your own damn mind."

Brooke’s Top 10 Podcasts:

22 - Self Doubt
28 - Priorities
29 - How to feel - Sounds fluffy. It’s not. This will give you the benefits of meditation without traditionally “meditating.” If applied, it will turn you into a badass. 
59 - Ease vs Evolving
63 - Dreams and Desires
102 - What Do You Want to Create?
162 - Time management - procrastination
206 - Being Decisive - Listened to this with my husband and it’s helped shape the course of our life. 
253 - Impossible Goal Action
281 - Gifts to my Future Self

I Don't Want to Quit. I Just Want to Drink Less...

I Don't Want to Quit. I Just Want to Drink Less...

Mind Your Models

Mind Your Models