Hi, I’m Brenda.
I am the co-owner of two business (most of my time), mom (all of my time) and mental wellness junkie (wish I had more time).
I started a creative agency in 2015. This is what Steven Pressfield would call my “shadow career,” and it allowed my husband and I to later invest all of our time into our dream jobs here and at Tommy G Coaching.
I am a certified wellness coach through the Human Potential Institute.
We adopted both our daughters, and I’m crafting a course about the six things I wish I’d known before adoption.
I’m in charge of marketing and communications at Tommy G. Coaching, which means writing copy for course launches, emails, and social posts, producing our podcast, and designing tools and workshops for our clients - All of which requires me to write and think like a man so that we can relate to the guys we want to work with. I enjoy it, but love working and speaking more like myself here!
I’m working on eating liver twice a week. Why? I was questioning my supplements and if they’re worth the money to my naturopathic doctor. She said, “if you really want to go the most affordable route, eat liver.” This wasn’t the first time I’d heard and read about liver’s benefits, but it was my tipping point. If you choose to incorporate liver yourself, get it from a clean, grass-fed source. It’s a filter organ.
Shortly after Tommy and I got married, I started making a lot of my own products…
- fermented foods and drinks like sauerkraut, kombucha, and beet kvass
- toiletries like lotion, toothpaste, and deodorant
- herbal medicines like elderberry syrup, echinacea tincture and vitamin C gummies.I let those projects fizzle as our coaching businesses continue to grow, but I’m working on getting back to it. I just jarred up nine quarts of bone broth last night. I’ve got echinacea tincture and elderberry syrup brewing as I write. Next on the docket is kombucha before my S.C.O.B.Y goes bad in the fridge. And we’re nearly out of toothpaste at the house…
After nearly 20 years of relatively heavy drinking, I gave up alcohol for two full years. Why we humans drink, eat unhealthy food, or procrastinate (aka numb out) fascinates me. And how to change that behavior fascinates me even more.
This leads me into meditation. I began reading books on the topic in 2008, when I attempted my very first meditation. I’ve continued a cycle of reading, practicing, neglecting (whoops) then relearning meditation ever since. After attending a two-day Michael Taft meditation retreat, I’ve concluded that meditation is my route to peace in this tech-dominated, option-abundant world we live in. If I’m feeling off, it’s usually because I’m neglecting my meditation.
Lastly, I’ll pay attention to anything related to coaching and self-development. Books, podcasts, blogs, you name it, I can’t get enough of it. Rumi once said, "Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” I believe if we're willing to put our mask on first and slay our own dragons, we’ll have the energy and capacity to reach our peak of service to others.